Fans de dim sums, voici un petit resto qui devrait vous plaire.
Welcome to YOOM !
Une jolie cantine design spécialisée dans les bouchées/raviolis vapeurs. Je suis allée y déjeuner et j'y ai découvert des petits délices de recettes classiques mais aussi de saveurs plutôt originales, dim sum au poulet aux cacahuètes, au bœuf au gingembre, bœuf sauté au basilic ou au saté...
Dim Sum addicts, here is a restaurant which you migh like !
Welcome to YOOM., a nice canteen specialized in steamed raviolis. I had lunch there and I discovered their delightful receipes, somes of them casual, and some more original, wioth for instance chicken and nuts, beef and gigner, sauteed beef and basil or saté...
Dim Sum addicts, here is a restaurant which you migh like !
Welcome to YOOM., a nice canteen specialized in steamed raviolis. I had lunch there and I discovered their delightful receipes, somes of them casual, and some more original, wioth for instance chicken and nuts, beef and gigner, sauteed beef and basil or saté...
En plus d'avoir de bons dims sums, l'adresse est parfaite pour manger décomplexé ! Riz aux légumes, salade de champignons noirs, reconnus pour être riches en fer et pour limiter l'absorption des graisses, soupe au tofu... De quoi manger sans risquer l'indigestion ni le bourrelet en plus !
Not only do they cook good dim sums, but also the place makes you feel good about eating. Rice with vegetables, black mushroom salad, known for their iron content and their ability to reduce the absorption of fat, tofu soup... Enough reasons to eat without risking indigestion or extra rolls of fat on your belly !
La déco du resto est très chouette, colorée, d'inspiration asiatique et en réalisation moderne. L'iconographie est vraiment plaisante. J'avais envie d'embarquer les assiettes et les patères avec moi en partant !
The design of the restaurant is very pleasant, colorful, inspired by Asian trends but carried out with a modern design. The iconography is fun. I really felt like taking the plates and the coat pegs away with me when leaving!
The design of the restaurant is very pleasant, colorful, inspired by Asian trends but carried out with a modern design. The iconography is fun. I really felt like taking the plates and the coat pegs away with me when leaving!
Avec Mum Dim Sum, une autre bonne adresse pour déguster des dims sums par dessus la tête !
Le petit hic : si vous avez une faim de loup, le menu du Midi (salade + soupe ou riz + 6 dim sums à 15€) ne sera probablement pas suffisant :-( il vaudra mieux se porter sur un choix à la carte !
With Mum Dim Sum, this is a nice place to have dim sums.
If you are very very hungry though, the lunch meal (salad + soup or rice + 6 dim sums for 15€) might not be enough. That's the snag. You will have to go over the menu rather than choose the meal.
With Mum Dim Sum, this is a nice place to have dim sums.
If you are very very hungry though, the lunch meal (salad + soup or rice + 6 dim sums for 15€) might not be enough. That's the snag. You will have to go over the menu rather than choose the meal.
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